Navigation Class
My car looks like a min next to that monster
Into the storm on Earl Mtn
Ruth from Klagenfurt makes "Peaks" Torte
Jeffrey & Lele
Vincent and Jeffrey kill the turkey
Jeffrey & CJ
Dan and Andrej
Vincent and Lele
Didi and Ruth
Our German, Austrian and French delegation
Deviled Eggs
Gear Talk: Val explains what you should have, and why
Raffeling off equipment
Bivi-Bags and how to use them
Didi, Val, Bridget, Jeffrey, Dane, Vincent
Ratna, Lele, Kiwa, Wanda, Didi
How "othger groups" cross
Erich: Self Arrest in powder snow
Mark, Gene & Lele
ON the summit: Mark, Lele, Vincent, Gene
Shucksan in the background
As seen from far away: We are descending
This is going very slow
Vincent is exhausted
Mt. Stuart
Lake Union
Sloan Peak
The summit ridge
3 Fingers
The long forest road back to the car
Vincent after a drink
Val between milk glasses
Val's Smoked Ham
Jeffrey, Wanda, Jeff, Lele
Lele, Vincent, Sigrid
Bridget, Erich, Ratna, Jeffrey
Waiting for midnight's Dinner for One: Scooter
Qing and Lele
Also waiting: Barbarda & Lele
Playing RummyCube