Seattle November & December 2011

November: Dinners, Earl Mountain & Thanksgiving

Another dinner

Navigation Class

My car looks like a min next to that monster

Into the storm on Earl Mtn

Ruth from Klagenfurt makes "Peaks" Torte

Jeffrey & Lele

Vincent and Jeffrey kill the turkey


Jeffrey & CJ

Dan and Andrej

Vincent and Lele

Didi and Ruth

Peaks Holiday Party

We rented a community Center for more room

Our German, Austrian and French delegation

Deviled Eggs

Gear Talk: Val explains what you should have, and why

Raffeling off equipment

Bivi-Bags and how to use them


Didi, Val, Bridget, Jeffrey, Dane, Vincent

Ratna, Lele, Kiwa, Wanda, Didi

SnowShoe 101

How "Peaks" crosses bridges

How "othger groups" cross

Table Top

Our goal in the background

Erich: Self Arrest in powder snow

Mark, Gene & Lele

ON the summit: Mark, Lele, Vincent, Gene
Shucksan in the background

As seen from far away: We are descending

This is going very slow

Diamond Head

The last steep slopes

Vincent is exhausted

Mt. Stuart

Christmas Ship Sailings

Portage Bay

Lake Union


The ridge will have to wait: Fresh snow over ice

Sloan Peak

The summit ridge

3 Fingers

The long forest road back to the car

Vincent after a drink

Val between milk glasses

Christmas & New Year Even Parties

Val's Smoked Ham

Jeffrey, Wanda, Jeff, Lele

Lele, Vincent, Sigrid

Bridget, Erich, Ratna, Jeffrey

Waiting for midnight's Dinner for One: Scooter

Qing and Lele


Also waiting: Barbarda & Lele

Playing RummyCube