Seattle 2012, February

Snoqualmie Mtn

Early Again!

With crampons through the steep forest



Didi & Dave W

Chair Peak

Didi in the storm

Towards the summit

On top

Fighting the storm on the way down

Night skiing starts far below

After sunset still a few hours to descent

At the restaurant

Guye Peak by lot's of snow

A river, now what?

Val & Dan at work

Easier with a rope

Very deep snow, even with snow shoes

It gets steeper

Dan out front

Even deeper snow

Back from the summit

the waiting turtles build a snow cave

Over snow bridges

All fun for Didi


Visiting The Balladr's

Some business talk on the beach

Some story telling


Miami Beach

Ft. Lauderdale


Playing cards

On the way to Key West

Key West

False Advertising, my ice cream is smaller

Didi's new car

Nice little island

Little Turtles!

St.Petersburg - could be a chinese city

Tampa Bay bridge

Mark & girlfriend